This section is for important dates related
to anime. This includes release dates for DVD's, videos, toys, manga, you name it. Check back here for updates
of what's coming out. If you have a release date for something you think should be put up, then email me and I
will post it.
January 22, 2002 DBZ Cooler's Revenge DVD Edited &Uncut
January 25, 2002 Escaflowne Movie Limited Release
January 29, 2002 Beast Wars Volume 1 DVD
January 29, 2002 DBZ Imperfect Cell-Discovery DVD
January 29, 2002 DBZ Imperfect Cell-Encounter DVD
January 29, 2002 DBZ Majin Buu-The Hatching DVD
February 12, 2002 DBZ Majin Buu-Revival Video Edited & Uncut
February 12, 2002 DBZ Majin Buu-Tactics Video Edited & Uncut
March 2, 2002 ABC Family begins Cartoon block
April 16, 2002 Yu Yu Hakuso Volume 1
July 26-28, 2002 Botcon 2002