Trigun takes place on an unspecifed world, with 2 suns
and 5 moons, and lots of desert(think Tattooine
--;)... While it looks akin to the old west of the
1800s, the Trigun world is also notably
futuristic(much of the meat of the story takes place
in the past). A gunman wandering the desert, Vash has
made something of a name for himself. The "Stampede"
nick comes from the mass destruction that seems to
follow him whereever he goes. Whole towns and cities
have been destroyed with Vash being named as the
culprit, and because of this he has a $$60,000,000,000
reward on his head(Dead or Alive T_T). However, the
viewer finds out almost instantly that the damage done
is usually the fault of bounty hunters, bandits, or
other people seeking Vash out for the reward, or some
reason or another.