Ryo is trapped inside the energy ball hurtling through space
twoards Rowen. He musters up every bit of strength he has an performs his Wildfire Flare technique, destroying the energy ball.
Now totally exhausted, he floats helplessly through space. Rowen awakens when he feels Ryo's presence. Using his bow and
arrow, he reels Ryo in. He then directs the two back to Earth. When they crash land on Earth, Anubis is waiting for them. He
is not there serving Talpa, but there to regain his own honor. Ryo is completely helpless, so it is up to Rowen. He uses his Arrow
Shock Wave attack and defeats Anubis. The warlords helmet breaks in half, and Rowen discovers that the warlord is a man. A
human being serves the evil dynasty....