The city is completely empty. There are no people in site. The Ronin Warriors, Mia, and
Yuli are all alone. Their loneliness is soon interrupted by the leader of the Dynasty Warlords, Anubis. In order
to protect Mia and Yuli, the Ronin Warriors form the circle of life with their armor power. The downside is that
they now can't call upon their armor to fight Anubis. Without their armor, Anubis man handles them. The Ronin
Warriors are pounded into the ground. Suddenly a man in ancient robes arrives on the scene. He tosses his
staff into the circle of life, and the circle dissolves. The Ronin Warriors get their power back. They armor up,
and Ryo defeats Anubis with his Wildfire Flare attack. Talpa realizes that together the Ronin Warriors are a
serious threat to his plans. He uses his power to scatter the Warriors to the four corners of the earth. It is up
to Mia and Yuli to find them.