Sage and Mia are searching for Kento in the North. They reach
terrain that is to rough for the car to handle. Sage tells Mia to stay behind, but she follows him anyway. Mia is attacked by a pack
of wolves, but Sage comes to her rescue. They come upon a huge stone, which Mia believes holds Kento of Hardrock. Cale, the
warlord of corruption shows up to destroy all of them. Sage is unable to free Kento, so the two must flee. Meanwhile Cale begins
to destroy all of the living creatures in the area to draw Sage out. The ancient one invigorates Sage in a dream with words of wisdom,
and the warrior of wisdom returns to battle. He is able to free Kento with his Thunder Bolt Cut attack, and Kento's unleashed
power dispels Cale.