Four of the five Ronin Warriors are now reunited. The search
for Rowen begins. Ryo, Cye, and Yuli are waiting at a temple for Sage, Kento, and Mia to show up. Their first visitor is none other
than the warlord of illusion, Dais. He attacks and tells them he has Rowen trapped at the city of Sindai. They follow him there but
fall into a trap. Dais uses his illusions to make Ryo and Cye attack each other, causing great damage on the area and themselves.
When the others reach them, Sage and Kento head out to find who did this. Dais uses the same trick as before, and Sage and Kento
are soon fighting each other. Sage realizes what is going on, but not before Kento pummels him. After pounding Sage, Kento realizes
the mistake, and Dais appears. Now glowing with anger, Kento blasts Dais with his Iron Rock Crusher. After the battle Ryo observes
that perhaps Rowen is in space, given that the clue is "in the sea of the sky".