The group decides to head back into the city the next day to
see what Talpa is up to, because they know he also wants to find Rowen. Ryo and Kento sneak out during the night to see for
themselves. Talpa uses the Nether Spirits to create an energy bomb that will fly into space and destroy Rowen. He sends the
first, but the ancient one destroys it with his staff. Ryo and Kento enter the building where the bomb came from. Talpa sends Anubis,
who is now possessed by Nether Spirits, to defend the area. Kento holds off Anubis while Ryo goes to the roof to try and stop the
energy bomb. It begins to take off, so Ryo jumps in it. The energy bomb leaves the atmosphere, destroying the building it came
from. Kento walks back to the others, who are now entering the city, to tell them of Ryo's fate...